Big Bad Blog

The Wolf enters Game Chef 2010

Sep 20, 2010
If it has been quiet on the Big Bad Front, it's only because The Wolf has been busy in the kitchen cooking up a game for Game Chef 2010.  1 Week, 1 theme and four secret ingredients yield: Burning Your Skin


Sep 8, 2010
Eating is important. It's what gives you the energy you need to play games, chase little red, and blow down houses. The Wolf recommends you follow the 3-2-1 rule. Every day you need 3 hours of sleep, 2 meals and 1 shower.

Under Construction

Aug 26, 2010
Hey everyone... currently working on the site so please have patience if things look a little weird for the next few hours... thanks!

The Wolf talking about Dates for the Con

Aug 21, 2010
I'm excited about having Big Bad Con on a holiday weekend but found out it is at the same time as RinCon in Arizona. So... change the date to a non-holiday weekend or stick to the original plan? It's got me thinking.

The Wolf: In the Pixel

Aug 21, 2010
Katie has sent me over some theme boards and they're amazing. We're going with some variation of the first, but they are all so great, The Wolf needs to brag. Look at his awesomeness.

The Making of Big Bad Con

Aug 19, 2010
The Wolf is showing his true colors.  Want to know why Big Bad Con is happening, where the name came from, what the prospective artwork for the site will be?  Check it out:

Illustration of Little Red

Little Red Event Manager is down! Booking and forms are not available.