Big Bad Blog

Goats in the Gruff!

Aug 30, 2013
The Goats Gruff are proud to tromp all the way from the Black Forest to meet you at Grandmas House (read: the con) and then onto your backs!

Big Bad Carl

Aug 8, 2013
Carl Rigney, GM extraordinaire, as per his usual incredibly generous game schedule, is running FIVE GAMES AT BIG BAD CON!

Games On Demand Badges - Courtesy Bully Pulpit

Jul 29, 2013
Steve Segedy and Jason Morningstar do a lot of awesome things. One of those is organize and design badges for Games on Demand at Gen Con. The Goats agree, those guys have it down... so what are we going to do? Steal from them blatantly!

The Big Bad Code

Jul 26, 2013
Some very smart folks like John Scalzi and Karina Cooper have pointed out the cons need to take a proactive stance to say up front: Don't harass people, it won't be tolerated. They also need a policy to back up that statement so con attendees and staff alike can hold any would-be harasser accountable.

2012 Testimonials

Jul 24, 2013
Big Bad Con 2012 was awesome. Or it least that is what s/he said...

Improv for Gamers is Back!

Jul 19, 2013
improv_for_gamers_level_1Improv for Gamers, led by Karen Twevles and Mia Blankensop just had an awesome workshop on the 7/13. Because of this, they are even more exited than before about offering the workshop again at Big Bad Con!

Bully Pulpt in the House

Mar 12, 2013
Everyone knows Jason Morningstar makes great games. jason_morningstarLike Fiasco and Durance and Shab-al-Hiri Roach and Grey Ranks and, and, and, and, and, and...

Illustration of Little Red

Little Red Event Manager is down! Booking and forms are not available.