Big Bad Con 2017 is on!

Hello gamers! Big Bad Con 2017 is on for October 13-15!
I don’t know about you but l’m excited to pull my dice, my pencils, and my index cards out for another Big Bad Con! My brain has been storming with ideas for what I’m gonna run this year. And I’m eager to see what all the players and all the other amazing GMs are gonna bring to the table!
The Kickstarter will be launching in May which will allow you to buy your badges in advance, sponsor rooms, donate to our Scholarship Fund, and snag other great treats! We have a great lineup of guest GMs and game designers for this year as stretch goals!
We’ll be back at Walnut Creek Marriott this year! Last year, the change to this new hotel gave us more room for event spaces and private gaming rooms. The latter being definitely one of the highlights I personally love about Big Bad Con. Our plans for this year’s con is to expand that with even more private gaming rooms and better space for Games on Demand! Visit our hotel page to find out more information about the hotel, including its age policy for young players. Book your room now at the discounted con rate!
My first Big Bad Con I came and played all number of games. My second Big Bad Con, I jumped in and ran a game. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made as it’s a treat to run at Big Bad Con as you are pretty much guaranteed to have amazing players! SO how about it? Want to run a game, panel, or workshop? Submit your event here. You can also sign up to run at Games on Demand!
Looking forward to see all you amazing people! Yay games! -Colin Fahrion