Doing Good at Big Bad - For Charity!
Sep 30, 2014
Big Bad Con is right around the corner, and bigger than ever! As you know, BBC is a charity event. Here’s how you can support some amazing causes:
- Bring Food! - The Alameda County Community Food Bank will have donation barrels at the con. Please bring non-perishable food items. Our record so far is 480 pounds of food donated, enough for 367 meals for the homeless in Alameda County. Let’s break 500 pounds this year! Here's list of the most desired items: Shopping list.
- Tell us About your Character - This is your chance to shamelessly go on and on (and on) about your favorite character, gaming session, rules mechanics, or any other gaming related topic you’re excited about. Visit our booth and five minutes of our volunteer’s enthusiastic attention can be yours for a $5 donation to Doctors Without Borders. It’s a win-win for everyone!
- Wolf Chase 2014 - Want some exercise on Sunday morning? Get up bright and early and go on the Wolf Chase with us! Rather sleep in but still show your support? Any contributions you make on Crowdrise will go directly to Doctors Without Borders.