Howl of The Wolf

As Memorial day approaches, The Wolf wants to deputize fellow gamers to spread the “Howl of The Wolf”. In exchange, you get to be part of the con (listed in the credits as an supporter), get a shiny “Howl of The Wolf 2012” pin, and get a matching “Howl of The Wolf” badge for profile.
What The Wolf wants from you:
The Wolf has a big pile of shiny Big Bad Con Fliers and Business cards to hand out. You get a stack of 10 of each (or more if you want them). Give them out at your games or to people you talk to at the con.
What The Wolf will provide:
When The Wolf sees you at Kubla Con, he’ll had over the fliers and business cards. The Wolf will also link you to a the “Howl of The Wolf” badge you can add to your profile.
When you attend Big Bad Con, you'll receive a special "Howl of the Wolf 2012" pin, which is only available to gamers who help advertise for the con in advance.
How to do it:
Simple, let The Wolf know you’re interested by joining this event on Facebook, commenting below, or emailing and he’ll arrange getting you the promotional material as well as get your name as you want it to appear on the credits for the con.
If you’re not attending Kubla Con but still want to spread the word (amongst your local gamers, at a store, at StrategiCon, etc) The Wolf is happy with that too, just let him know that when you click "Yes" and he’ll make arrangements to get you the goods.
More info at:ÂÂ or email