Games on Demand at Big Bad Con

Games on Demand is an awesome addition to Big Bad Con. To make sure we're all playing nice at Grandma's house though, The Wolf is going to layout some guidelines here:
For Players
Games On Demand games will start every two hours, with periodic breaks to give our GMs a rest between games. Here the schedule of when games will be starting:
Friday: 1PM, 3PM, 5PM, 8PM, 10PM
Saturday: 10AM, 12PM, 3PM, 5PM, 8PM, 10PM
Sunday: 10AM, 12PM, 3PM, 5PM
Please swing by a few minutes before games start to talk with an Games on Demand host so they can get you into a game.
For GMs
Before 8/30, submit games you can run to our Games on Demand menu: Be a GoD
Your Games on Demand schedule will be listed on master schedule (available soon).
Please arrive a 10 minutes before your schedule time to let the Games on Demand host know you're there and ready to run your games (if any changes need to be made, they can do so there).
If your slot does not fill, feel free to wander the con, or jump into another GoD game, but stay accessible to the host either by being in the room or leaving your cell number, twitter name, or other means of getting in touch with you should players show up mid-slot looking for a game.
Your games should end 10 minutes before he next slot to make sure the table is clear and ready for the next game.
For Hosts
Your Games on Demand schedule will be listed on master schedule (available soon).
Please greet the players and GMs and help games get started.
An hour before a slot opens:
- Place the menus of GM game offerings on the center table for players to peruse.
- Assign each GM a table number.
- Let all prospective players know when the next games will start.
10 minutes before the slot:
- Verify your GMs are presented and accounted for.
- Sign players up for games
Here's an example of the Games on Demand Menus:
[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="1781,1782,1784,1786,1788,1789,1790,1791,1792,1805,1806,1846,1851,1852,1853"]